Viewing entries tagged
Micah True

"True Messages"

"True Messages"

The friends and supporters of Norawas de Raramuri are excited to introduce a new ‘Korima Platform’ that will not only continue all the good that was started by Micah and Norawas, but will expand those efforts and do all we can to introduce and share the inspirational Messages of our Amigo Micah True. They are indeed…. True Messages. “We are the Messengers”

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Trail Runner Magazine Publishes A Feature On The Caballo Blanco Trail Project

This is exciting news: our latest project, the reopening of the Caballo Blanco Trail, has attracted the attention of Trail Runner Magazine, who published a feature about it in their most recent "Inside Dirt", a publication that reaches hundreds of thousands of trail runners all over the world.

We invite you to read and share the article, which includes the first-ever pictures and video taken from the trail a couple weeks ago.

This project has been made possible by your donations, and we invite you to continue helping us develop projects in the Copper Canyons that benefit the local communities and celebrate their beautiful running culture. Kuira ba!

[Click here for the full article]

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My Korima Problem

 A text by Michael Miller, whom Norawas recently welcomed as a board member and treasurer last December.

I do not yet know a great deal about the traditions and daily life of the Raramuri people. I do know that Korima (what I have – you have) has been a way of life for them. Giving without acknowledgement or any expectation of return is fundamental aspect of Korima. This second bit: ‘without any expected return’ is the part that I just can’t seem to fulfill.

I’ve shared a story before about the most memorable conversation I had with Micah. For eight or so miles running in the darkness on a dirt road and then a trail next to Turquoise Lake during the start of the Leadville 100 in 2011 we talked mostly about being a couple of lucky old dudes. How fortunate we were to be there, to be able to run, to see the sun coming up in the Rocky’s, and mostly how blessed we were to be part of this incredible family of people who love to run free. I remember us talking about having times out on a trail we felt so good that we almost felt guilty for hogging way more than our share of the happiness. Then we talked a little about getting older and all the dang little aches and pains too – hey, being happy doesn’t mean we can’t break into grumpy old guy every once in a while…

I took a lot away from that conversation that morning. I may be wrong, as he never shared, but I believed that one of the main reasons he started the (now) UMCB was a way to give back for all the blessings he felt running had given to him. There are so many of us like this, people who have had running transform so many aspects of their lives and given them a happiness and perspective of the world around them they never thought possible. When we have been given all this, we are compelled and greatly desire to give back.

Herein is the problem for me with this Korima ‘without any expectation of return’ thing. I’ve tried to give back, to share what is mine/yours, to help, to support, to respect, to honor, but every time I do so, it ends up bringing so much joy and more happiness to me that I can’t stop myself from knowing it’s coming (therefore expecting the return).

Regardless of this ‘problem’, I’m going to keep to trying.
