To preserve Micah’s work and words, we are presenting an archive of texts and notes he published throughout the years. You will find here many details about the race, some personal stories and get a privileged contact with Caballo Blanco, through his unique writing.
To preserve Micah’s work and words, we are presenting an archive of texts and notes he published throughout the years. You will find here many details about the race, some personal stories and get a privileged contact with Caballo Blanco, through his unique writing.
Micah True 1953 ---2012
Here you will find here some images, videos and texts written by fellow runners, fans, friends and loved ones honor of Micah's life and achievements.
Micah True 1953 ---2012
Here you will find here some images, videos and texts written by fellow runners, fans, friends and loved ones honor of Micah's life and achievements.
Runners of the Copper Canyon Ultra Marathons are called Very Crazy, or Mas Locos. In the eyes of Caballo Blanco, who coined the term, all Mas Locos have in common the values of sharing, respect, compassion and peace. They share a culture of running with the Tarahumara / Raramuri and offer Korima to the People of the Canyons.
After Micah's death, many expressed the need to do something to continue Caballo's work with the Raramuri in the Canyons. Our immediate response was "come run the CCUM". Although some will, it might not be possible for everyone to travel down to Urique and run an ultra, so some clever Mas Locos suggested we organize smaller, more accessible events that shared the same spirit of Korima.
Poco Loco (Little Crazy) Runs will be held all over the world at different times, but all with the same goal: sharing the spirit of the CCUM and offering Korima to the Caballo Blanco Foundation that will continue Micah's important work with the Raramuri.
This page is an acknowledgement of these events and an invitation to runners from all over the world to get involved and organize their Poco Loco Run, or to help one that already exists.
Run free!
Videos of Caballo Blanco and the CCUM
Videos of Caballo Blanco and the CCUM
A talk by Caballo Blanco, Micah True, at Westchester Road Runner in April 2010
Caballo Blanco, about running and the Raramuri
One of Micah's last interviews
Scott Jurek on his Copper Canyon experience
Luis Escobar in an interview on Run Barefoot Girl
Photo-vid of the original 2006 Born to Run crew
Caballo at the Leadville 100 - By Barefoot Ted
Flint, Olaf, Caballo and Guadajuko in 2012
Artist Sam Carbaugh created this comic in honor of Caballo Blanco in collaboration with Mas Locos Maria Walton, Josue Stephens and Flint Bordeau.