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Ultra Marathon Caballo Blanco


Friends of Norawas : Josue Stephens

This series of articles pays homage to our collaborators in the Copper Canyons. Without them, our projects with the Raramuri communities would be almost impossible. They invest their time and their hearts, away from the limelight, and help make our common vision of peace and sharing a reality. We present this acknowledgement as our humble thanks for all they do, and for being our friends.

Josue Stephens was an early Mas Loco and was inspired by Micah True himself to become a race director in Nicaragua, where he created the now internationally-known Fuego Y Agua ultra event, on Isla de Ometepe.

As the child of a traveling family of misionaries, Josue spent part of his childhood living in the Copper Canyons, in the Batopilas region. He speaks Spanish fluently and has developed strong ties with many communities in Central and South America.

When Maria Walton was left with the task of perpetuating Caballo Blanco's race, Josue stepped up and offered his extensive experience and resources. As a personal friend, a Mas Loco and a philanthropic race director, Josue was a natural choice and a great partner for Maria. Together, they not only continued Micah's vision and dream, but also brought new dimensions to it with events like the children's race, which has now become an important part of the Copper Canyons race week.

Josue's dedication and professionalism, coupled with his values of social justice and philanthropy, make him not only an incredible asset to Ultra Marathon Caballo Blanco, but also a valued collaborator and friend to Norawas de Raramuri.
