Keith Ramsay is a calm, quiet man who, like Caballo Blanco, came in the Canyons with a vision and a dream. His was of a lush garden and a peaceful retreat, under the shade of fruit trees. He built a large property by the Urique River called Entre Amigos. Over the years, the place has become famous for its organic garden, its friendly people and the beautiful, simple way of life it offers.
Every year, around race time, Entre Amigos fills with familiar and new faces; Mas Locos and «hopefuls», or first-time runners, gather to enjoy some community time and prepare for the big day. Everyone is welcome to use the organic garden, which is ripe with leafy greens, beans, sweet beets and many other wonderful, healthy crops.
With his work, Keith has not only created a small Eden in the Barrancas; he also quietly promotes an alternate lifestyle, based on cooperation and simplicity, through his own humble example. He partnered with local people in the management of the property, positively affecting their income and their lives, bringing the dignity and pride of honest work.
As a supporter of the Ultra Marathon Caballo Blanco, Keith hosts dozens of Mas Locos in his hostel, private cabins and campground. He also provides Norawas with local, logistical support for our various projects. But most of all, Keith is a good man and a dear friend who contributes in making each of our visits in the Barrancas a fulfilling, joyful and meaningful experience.