Viewing entries tagged
javelina jundred

Mas Locos at the 2012 Javelina 100


Mas Locos at the 2012 Javelina 100

Update by Maria Walton - RD

Fifteen Mas Locos raced across the Sonora Desert of Arizona. The Javelina Jundred, truly captures the natural beauty, along with the power of Mother Earth. Two Mas Locos traveled from Sonora, and Chihuahua, to take on their first 100-mile adventure. As Jesus finished, he humbly asked if Nick and Jamil would give him an extra belt buckle for their president, who truly admired Caballo Blanco. Jesus and Francisco have ran the CCUM for the past three years. Jamil and Nick lovingly gave them race shirts, and hats, for their entire running team of Mexico! Tyler Tomasello and I distributed hundreds of 2013 Race Posters. The Millers hosted a beautiful post-race celebration. We truly believed that Micah's spirit was with us. And, Guadajuko just grins :D
