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marathon kids

Corrida de Los Caballitos, where the children Run Free!


Corrida de Los Caballitos, where the children Run Free!

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On March 2nd at 9am, the day before the Ultra Caballo Blanco 50 miler, the children of the Canyons will be running the streets of Urique to celebrate life! 

This is the First Annual Corrida de Los Caballitos (Run of the Little Horses), started in memory of Micah True and to encourage the young ones to follow in the running footsteps of their elders. 

All children who participate will receive a shirt and medal donated by Marathon Kids, and a bag of school supplies donated by our supporters and PF Chang's. Everyone is encourage to run with the children and participate in this beautiful event!

We can use your help though! Please contact us to let us know how you can help. 

Thank you and we will see you in the Canyons!

Josue & Maria - RD's
