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maria walton

Corrida de Los Caballitos, where the children Run Free!


Corrida de Los Caballitos, where the children Run Free!

tarahumara children.jpg

On March 2nd at 9am, the day before the Ultra Caballo Blanco 50 miler, the children of the Canyons will be running the streets of Urique to celebrate life! 

This is the First Annual Corrida de Los Caballitos (Run of the Little Horses), started in memory of Micah True and to encourage the young ones to follow in the running footsteps of their elders. 

All children who participate will receive a shirt and medal donated by Marathon Kids, and a bag of school supplies donated by our supporters and PF Chang's. Everyone is encourage to run with the children and participate in this beautiful event!

We can use your help though! Please contact us to let us know how you can help. 

Thank you and we will see you in the Canyons!

Josue & Maria - RD's


Mas Locos at the 2012 Javelina 100


Mas Locos at the 2012 Javelina 100

Update by Maria Walton - RD

Fifteen Mas Locos raced across the Sonora Desert of Arizona. The Javelina Jundred, truly captures the natural beauty, along with the power of Mother Earth. Two Mas Locos traveled from Sonora, and Chihuahua, to take on their first 100-mile adventure. As Jesus finished, he humbly asked if Nick and Jamil would give him an extra belt buckle for their president, who truly admired Caballo Blanco. Jesus and Francisco have ran the CCUM for the past three years. Jamil and Nick lovingly gave them race shirts, and hats, for their entire running team of Mexico! Tyler Tomasello and I distributed hundreds of 2013 Race Posters. The Millers hosted a beautiful post-race celebration. We truly believed that Micah's spirit was with us. And, Guadajuko just grins :D



Interview With Maria Walton

Caity McPherson McCardell invited Maria Walton to her Run Barefoot Girl podcast to talk about her life with Micah and the taking on of the Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon as co-director of the event for 2013. The podcast can be downloaded on iTunes, as an MP3 file or streamed from the web site.

[Interview starts at 12:30]



Maria Walton at the Pengelly Double Dip

Next Saturday, June 9, will be the Pengelly Double Dip run in Missoula, Montana, an event that Micah loved. This year, the organizers are dedicating the run to him, and invited Maria Walton to run it, alongside 200 other runners who will tackle the strenuous 13.1-mile course, and give a talk about recent events and the future of the Copper Canyons Ultra Marathon. Interested runners can sign up here.



Maria Walton At The Phoenix / Scottsdale Memorial Run

[caption id="attachment_379" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Maria Walton shared many memories and emotions"][/caption]  

Maria Walton speaks at the Micah True Memorial Run held in Phoenix / Scottsdale, May 6, 2012. More than 100 runners and friends gathered on that day to celebrate Caballo Blanco's memory and message.




May 6, 2012 - Memorial Run With Maria Walton - Scottsdale, Arizona

8:00 am - Gateway Trail HeadMcDowell Sonoran Preserve Thompson Peak Parkway & Bell Road
  In a spirit of celebration, many communities throughout the world, have formed memorial runs/hikes/walks in memory of Micah’s free spirit, and our shared love for Mother Earth. Together, Micah, Guadajuko and I, enjoyed many beautiful runs throughout the Sonoran desert. So, everyone is invited to bring as many friends to a joyous celebration.     La Mariposa, y El Perrito Fantasma



Adiosiba, Caballo Blanco - Video Tribute"Adiosiba, Caballo Blanco" - On March 27, 2012, a Butterly lost her Horse, the running community lost a great inspiration and I lost a mentor and friend. This is a personal homage to Micah True, the Great Caballo Blanco. - Flint



The Peaceful Warrior | My Apache White Eyes

My Apache White Eyesby Maria Walton

He ran like a phantom, unseen with pride, humility, power and spirit; understanding the caprice of the unseen.

With each footstep, sharing blessings of a beautiful path, the best land on earth, holding sacred the gifts of wisdom, strength, generosity, love of nature, the ability to endure.

The sunset, the sunrise, whispers of the wind, and blazoned canyon fires, all fueled this peaceful journey into the land of the unknown.

Then one day, he pierced her heart, as if he'd ridden upon her with a lance. In that magical moment, her joyful spirit, once again, began to dance. His tender whispers, healing her brave heart.

He moved from mystery into mystery, in the unfathomable way of the world. She realized that soon, she must let him go. Yet, her love remains true, as warmth cradles his gentle soul.

A Butterfly understands his need to fly free.

There can be no other after him. She remembers him alone, this man from a distant land. She kept him in her heart, like an empty cave, haunted by faint echoes, as he calls her name, his spirit finally at peace, no longer in pain.

With a gentle kiss, in blessings of love, she comforts his soul with a selfish, hopeless wish, he would return to awaken the sadness that’s crushing, suffocating her weakened heart.

Who can say what trace, what secret thoughts shape her spirit in the space he left behind? In her prayers, he speaks to her.

Dreams do come true. The gifts of love and life, everlasting.

She remembers him alone. And in this manner, he rests now in solitude, once again set apart, wondering, dreaming, loving with reverence.

By Maria Walton



2012 Boulder Memorial Video

[caption id="attachment_121" align="alignleft" width="300"] Family and friends gathered in Boulder, Colorado, sharing memories of Micah[/caption] From the Boulder memorial.....what a beautiful day.... - Tyler
