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October Race in Cerocahui


October Race in Cerocahui

Mario Muñoz, the coach for the Equipo Caballo Blanco ​running team, is hosting a 60k ultra in Cerocahui near Urique this October. See flyer for details. 


Welcome to the New Website


Welcome to the New Website

​Thank you to everyone for your patience.

We have now rolled out a new website with more travel information, course info and an improved look. 

​Feel free to provide feedback by emailing us at

​Run Free!



CCUM 2013 - Online Registration Now Open

  Runners who want to join us in 2013 for a great celebration of peace at the bottom of the canyons can now register online. The Caballo Blanco / Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon will be held on March 3, 2013, true to its tradition and in honor of our friend's dream and mission.


As Micah would say himself, "Quien es Mas Loco?"


Register now!




Junio 2013 - Comunicado de Prensa Oficial

Para publicación inmediata

Como socios, con El Presidente, Leobardo Díaz Estrada, y el Director de Turismo, Cecy Villalobos, es con gran honor de anunciar el 3 de marzo de 2013, la celebración de la anual novena, El Ultra Maratón Caballo Blanco en Urique, Chihuahua, México.

El 14/05/12, el Consejo de Administración votó a favor de disolver el Norawas de Rarámuri (Amigos de las personas que dirigen). La decisión fue tomada con un sentimiento de tristeza, no sólo por la pérdida de Micah True (el Caballo Blanco), pero para el final de tres años de dedicación, compromiso y apoyo apasionado de la cultura de funcionamiento de los Tarahumara (Rarámuri) familias de las Barrancas del Cobre de La Sierra Madre. Los que han participado en este trabajo vital con nuestros vecinos mexicanos, han experimentado la oportunidad de su vida.

La Fundación Caballo Blanco:, se ha formado independientemente de Norawas de Rarámuri. Sin embargo, esta fundación va a compartir una misión común, para continuar el legado de Micah, para asegurar que el Ultra Maratón Caballo Blanco continúa.

Desde 2003, el sencillo sueño de Micah fue correr libre con los Rarámuri, para celebrar como una sola, con todas las culturas. En reverencia que compartir este viaje con los atletas y sus familias, se ejecuta en un espíritu de esperanza, armonía, belleza y paz entre nuestra sagrada Madre Tierra.

En honor a todas las tradiciones de esta carrera a pie de 50 millas (80 km), ambos premios en efectivo y vales de alimentos (cupones), se les premian a los primeros clasificados. Los corredores que completen cada circuito, recibirán vales que proporcionan el maíz, frijol, arroz, harina y maíz de semillas para sus familias. Esta recompensa se asegura el sustento nutricional tanto a la supervivencia física y cultural del pueblo Rarámuri.

La celebración también incluirá una carrera de niños - Marzo 2, 2013 - Una evento para los niños de Urique, con camisetas y medallas para todos lo que terminan.

Una excursión guiada antes de la carrera también estará disponible. Más detalles, fechas y precios serán anunciados en una fecha futura.

El Ultra Maratón Caballo Blanco será co-dirigida por los Mas Locos: ultra corredora María Walton, y por el ultra corredor y director de carreras filantrópicas, Josue Stephens, fundador del Ultra Maratón Fuego y Agua en Nicaragua.

La Fundación Caballo Blanco será dirigida y administrada por el agente de Micah True, el CEO, Scott Leese. Sitio Web de la Fundación, y Administrador de medios de Comunicaciones es un Mas Loco de Canadá, Francois "Flint" Bourdeau.

El sitio web oficial de la carrera:

Otras preguntas pueden ser enviadas a:

*** Para oportunidades para patrocinar y apoyar a esta carrera, por favor póngase en contacto con: ***

Las visiónes de Micah encendieron una hoguera. Le invitamos a su espíritu a mantener esta llama que arde con fuerza, calor y luz. Vamos a compartir este brillo en los corazones de todo el mundo que le encanta correr libremente!

Muchas Gracias,

María Walton, y Josué Stephens, Directores de Evento Scott Leese, Presidente/Fundador, Fundación Caballo Blanco Inc.



June 2013 Press Release

As Partners, with El Presidente, Leobardo Diaz Estrada, and Director of Tourism, Cecy Villalobos, it is with great honor to announce on March 3, 2013, the celebration of the 9th annual, Caballo Blanco, Copper Canyon, Ultra Marathon in Urique, Chihuahua, Mexico. On 5/14/12, the Board of Directors voted to dissolve Norawas de Raramuri (Friends of the Running People). The decision was made with a sense of sadness, not only for the loss of Micah True, but for the ending of three years of dedication, commitment and passionate support of the running culture of the Tarahumara (Raramuri) families of the Copper Canyons of La Sierra Madre. Those who have shared this vital work with our Mexican neighbors, have experienced the opportunity of a lifetime.

The Caballo Blanco Foundation:, has been formed independent of Norawas de Raramuri. Yet, this foundation will share a common mission, to continue Micah's legacy, to ensure that the Caballo Blanco, Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon, continues.

Since 2003, Micah's simple dream was to run free with the Raramuri, to celebrate as one, with all cultures. In reverence we share this journey with the athletes and their families, running in a spirit of hope, harmony, beauty and peace among our sacred Mother Earth.

In honoring all traditions of this 50-mile foot race, both cash prizes and food vales (vouchers), are rewarded to the top finishers. Runners completing each loop, receive vouchers which provides maize, beans, rice, flour and non-GMO seed corn for their families. This reward ensures nutritional sustenance to both the physical and cultural survival of the Raramuri people.

The celebration will also include a Kids' Run - March 2, 2013- A race for the children of Urique, awarding to everyone, finisher medals and shirts.

An extended Hike Option before the 50 Mile Race will be available as well. Further details, dates, and pricing will be announced at a future date.

The Caballo Blanco, Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon will be co-directed by Mas Locos: ultra runner Maria Walton, and by ultra runner and philanthropic race organizer, Josue Stephens, founder of the Fuego Y Agua Ultra Marathon in Nicaragua.

The Caballo Blanco Foundation will be directed and managed by Micah True's agent, and CEO, Scott Leese. The Foundation's Website, Media Manager of Communications is Canadian Mas Loco, Francois "Flint" Bourdeaux.

The Official Race Website:

Further inquiries may be sent to:

*** For opportunities to sponsor and support this race, please contact: ***

Micah's vision ignited a bonfire. May his spirit invite you to keep this flame burning with strength, warmth, and light. We will share this glow into the hearts of everyone that loves to run free!

Muchas Gracias,

Maria Walton, and Josue Stephens Scott Leese, CEO/Founder Caballo Blanco Inc. Foundation




March 4, 2012 Copper Canyon Run and Ultra Marathon: A message from the RD

Don`t know about any of you, but, sometimes I take myself too darn seriously. Sometimes, since I have been sponsoring this run, I have felt like I am standing on the corner of Broadway and Canyon, out in cyberspace, holding a sign that reads "will run for frijoles." Kind of humbling; and humility, like frijoles, is a good thing. The cars pass hurriedly, with very little response, sometimes a honk, someone telling me to get a job, someone else flips me off. "Poor guy," I think. An occasional lovely smiling face passes: That feels nice! I look every passing driver in the eye, have nothing to hide. The message seems clear enough. A fellow from Albuquerque, the CEO of a successful company, liked the message, pulled over and asked me what I want, and offered money. I told him that I do not want money. El Presidente de Urique has pledged prize money for the Urique canyon version of the race. What we would really like is maiz to help sustain the people until the next harvest, which promises to be a very good one, with all of the rain that we have had this season, and donations from runners and their friends. Gracias Michael from Albuquerque, El Presidente de Urique, and CCUM runners. The Copper Canyon run is now free, like running should be. The frijoles and Maiz are on us. The next scheduled run will be March 4, 2012. Complete information will soon be posted. The run will consist of a 4 day program with about a 65 outside runner limit. Entry will be accepted and verified by the RD.

No set entry fee---[a donation] No [Limited] aid ---[actually, there is now plenty of aid!] No course markings [There will be some at key junctions and we will all pre-walk the course the Thursday and Friday prior to the weekend]. No awards [but self-satisfaction]--The Raramuri will win prize money, corn and beans. No commercial interests. [IF allowed, PLEASE give back and share the results with us] No filming/photography without permission [which would require sharing the results with us and giving something back to the Raramuri]. No wimps, whiners or weenies allowed [except the RD!] No expectations [but of beauty!] Please realize that: Here in the land of the Tarahumara, ANYTHING is possible!

A pre-race donation of $150 or more will hold/reserve a spot for the runner, and a post-race donation to the run would be appreciated, based on what the individual participant can afford and what the value of the experience was to the runner. Runners/participants may check my guide rates on my website to get an idea of the normal material value of what they are getting. This donation will buy a unique "CLUB MAS LOCO" t-shirt that is sure to be a future collectors item and increase greatly in value!

If you agree to all of this, then continue to the course description and to the entry/application/waiver.

Any participant must pre-send this entry form and pre- donation so that we have an idea how many folks may be participating, then copy and bring the entry with signed waiver to us the week of the event. We hope that all participants will leave the canyons knowing that we are all winners; all of us.

Let's have a wild, beautiful, and happy run!

