A video by Barefoot Ted McDonald from the 2006 Race featured in Born To Run
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIyEvomUz14A short film by Sterling Noren about the 2009 Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon, featuring interviews with Micah and scenes from the race. This short film is what inspired Sterling's soon-to-be-realeased, full-length documentary filmed in February and March 2012.
http://youtu.be/HEAdtavMWSwLuis “El Coyote” Escobar shares a few Copper Canyon mementos and some thoughts about Ted McDonald and Micah True on the Run Barefoot Girl Podcast.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SurbrF-HrZAScott Jurek tells the story of his discovery of the meaning of running – through Micah True and the Raramuri – in a beautiful, heartfelt tribute to our sport, to our people and to our friend.