Congratulations to Patrick Muldowney, winner of the Big Raffle! You are now the proud owner of a rare signed edition of "Born to Run"! Thank you so much for your support, Pat, and EVERYONE who contributed so generously.
Because you all responded generously, Norawas was able to purchase all the food vouchers needed to award Raramuri/Tarahumara runners in the Ultramarathon Caballo Blanco 2013!
A huge thanks to Josue Stephens, Race Director, and all the superb volunteers and partners who ensured that the vouchers were obtained and distributed. Special thanks to Maria Luisa Walton, François Flint Bourdeau, Bookis Smuin, Doug Diego Rhodes and Cecy Villalobos for your work on this.
Thank you, Scott Jurek and Jenny Uehisa for reaching out to your friends on Facebook.
Together, all of us made this happen. Besos Grandes! Long live Korima!
