Last Saturday, Maria Walton, race director Luis Escobar, many Mas Locos and hundreds of free runners gathered for the Born To Run Ultra Marathons, held this year in honor of Caballo Blanco, who remained listed as a registered runner for the 100km.
Everyone gathered at the East Creek Ranch in Los Olivos, California, for a celebration of all things dear to Micah: friendship, love, freedom, sharing and running free. The event started with a Chabochi (foreigner) version of the Rarajipare, the Tarahumara traditional ball race, followed by an evening of BBQ, of reunited friends, even some tattooing and a lot of fireside stories. Then, at 6:00 am sharp on Saturday, all the runners started together, with some running 10 miles, 50K, 50 miles, 100K or 100 miles. The celebration lasted until noon the next day. As always, peace was created and all came back with fond memories.
We will post images and videos of the event in the days to come.