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Norawas de Raramuri - Current Projects and Race Status

Norawas de Raramuri - Current Projects and Race Status

With great consideration, Norawas de Raramuri (the non profit founded by "Caballo Blanco" Micah True and fellow Mas Locos) has decided not to host the Ultra Caballo Blanco in 2016.  We greatly look forward to returning to Urique in 2017. 

Run Free- November 2013 Newsletter


Run Free- November 2013 Newsletter

The theme of this year's race, is a harmonious collaboration of all cultures."SOMOS MAS LOCOS" - "WE ARE MAS LOCOS"! As similar with the Raramuri Greeting, "Kuira Ba" - We are One! Yes, all of us are MAS LOCOS! 



Countdown to the Canyons!

Ultra Caballo Blanco (Copper Canyon Ultramarathon) Newsletter View this email in your browser
Attention Runners, a pre-race email will be arriving in your inboxes next week!

The Countdown Begins!

Mas Locos!
Only three weeks remain when together as one, we come to create hope and peace, celebrating the legacy and vision of El Caballo Blanco: Running Free with the Raramuri in the majestic mountains of Las Barrancas Del Cobre.

Our family of Mas Locos now represent 18 countries world-wide, 121 brave athletes, ready to dance along the Canyon trails of La Sierra Madre.

However, it's with heavy hearts we share the tragic news of the loss of our strongest supporter, a friend of El Caballo Blanco, a leader of great honor. On February 7, El Presidente of Urique, Leobardo Diaz Estrada, died of injuries received from a vehicle accident along the canyon roads leading into Urique. 

In November, his Administration and the people of Urique, honored the life of Micah, with a public, memorial service. Presidente Diaz, led a musical procession into the Canyons, as Micah's love, La Mariposa, Maria and friends brought Micah's ashes to a peaceful resting place, overlooking the flowing, sparkling river. 

Presidente Diaz, was instrumental in recognizing 13 years of running the Ultramaraton, Caballo Blanco, as a memorial tribute to Micah's and Urique's respect for the Raramuri runners. He graciously extended to us the loving support of his Administration, laying the foundation of a lasting partnership of complete harmony. May his generous spirit, now rest in peace.

We are thankful for the dedication of our friends, who are laying the groundwork of many pre-race efforts. Our Canadian, Mas Loco, Flint Bourdeau, arrived in Chihuahua this week to assist Diego Rhodes, the Proprietor of Hotel Rancho Del Oso, transport race supplies, blankets, camping equipment, for the international runners. As a messenger, Flint will travel into many pueblos, businesses and schools of the Raramuri, delivering race posters, and official Convocatorias (Invitations) to our friends of Running People. Flint will also assist Keith Ramsey, Owner of Entre Amigos Hostel and Campground, in managing the lodging of many travelers and runners, resting along his lush, organic gardens. 

Urique's Director of Tourism, Cecy Villalobos is instrumental in promoting the race among the State of Chihuahua, and throughout Mexico. She is coordinating all official race ceremonies, and planning the shared, ceremonial dinner between the International runners and Raramuri families on Friday evening, before the race. Cecy is also involved with the local school teachers and students of La Sierra, in coordinating our Inaugural, "La Corrida de los Caballitos", (The Little Pony Race).

As the news of this historical event spreads, the magic continues to grow! Every child who enters, and runs free, is a winner! Our sincere gratitude for our generous sponsors:
Marathon Kids, P.F. Chang's, The Alsea Group (P.F. Chang's partners of Mexico), Forward Packaging, and Staples . These organizations are providing the children with race bags and shirts, finisher medals, shoes, and assorted school supplies.     

Dona Tita Quintana is diligently organizing meals, and lodging for guests staying, and dining in Urique. Her enthusiasm, and genuine passion for the spirit of the race, is contagious. 

Prospero Torres, his wife Sabina, and family, are clearing the trails of the race course, leading to their ranch at Los Alisos. Along with Tita, Prospero was one of Micah's original race sponsors, who always offers the sweet fruits of his orchard, freshly ground pinole, and hand patted tortillas. He proudly shares memories of his years of Trail Guide work throughout Las Barrancas with his friend, El Caballo Blanco.

We encourage Mas Locos to share the spirit of Korima to the beautiful families of Las Barrancas, giving freely from one's heart, with out expectations of return, or of the results of gratitude for the simple act of giving. Our sincere thanks go to the Mas Locos who have volunteered to transport additional race supplies, runner shirts, food, equipment, and tools. Our special thanks go to Michael and Kimberly Miller, for their offer to bring across the border, our beloved Ghost Dog, the unforgettable, Guadajuko True.

How symbolic, and truly inspiring to know that the official color for the Municipal of Urique, is Green. We will soon celebrate in the bright, richness of our journey.  Printed on the government of Urique's Seal: "Trabajar con Humildad por El Bienestar y La Unidad de los Uriqueness."   

Josue y Maria - RD's

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Run Free November Newsletter


Run Free November Newsletter

Ultra Caballo Blanco (Copper Canyon Ultramarathon) Newsletter View this email in your browser
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Run Free Newsletter!

Ultra Caballo Blanco News

About Newsletter Subcriptions
The Run Free Newsletter will be released about 4 times per year. Unfortunately we experienced some major technical issues since the last newsletter and lost our entire subscriber list. If you did not receive this in your inbox, simply subscribe again and receive it next time it is sent out! 

We have a new website!
Thank you everyone for your patience while we got everything up and running. The new website link is There you will find all of the information about the race as well as stories and memories of Micah True, the Raramuri and the Copper Canyons!

Travel Plans
The registrations are coming in and the time is coming to make travel plans. Remember, this year will have a lot of runners and lodging is first come, first served! A much-loved friend of Caballo Blanco, Doug (Diego) Rhodes, has kindly offered to help make lodging reservations for runners, he can help you with any hotel in Urique. Email him at for more information.

Diego owns a hotel in Cerocahui and has a lot of experience in the area. He is also offering the El Paso Shuttle again. 

Norawas and Donations
The nonprofit started by Caballo Blanco and Mas Locos to support the Raramuri is going back into operation soon! We are currently taking donations on the race website, but will be up very soon (we will include a link once it is up). 

Our November Trip to the Canyons

by Maria Walton
We are excited for our upcoming trip to Las Barrancas next week, meeting with Urique Government officials to review race events and logistics. We will share with the people a post celebration of the sacred, Dia De Los Muertos holiday.

This festival celebrates the memories of loved ones who have died. Memorial altars are created to welcome the departed spirits home. Favorite foods, beverages, photos, memorabilia, are placed in the shrine as a peaceful message of prayer, so the souls may celebrate the blessings they brought into our world. The Aztec Goddess, Mictecacihuatl, assures us that nothing is ever lost. That love plants a fire in our hearts and brings beauty to our souls. 

In honor of Caballo Blanco’s legacy, our dear friends, and Micah’s first race sponsors, Dona Tita Quintana, Prospero Torres, Maria and Josue, have selected a beautiful, road side shrine, against a canyon wall, overlooking the sparkling, flowing streams of the Urique River, facing towards the majestic mountains of the ranch of Los Alisos. The peaceful message of Caballo Blanco, will unite all cultures of the Raramuri, Mestizos, and International running communities.

We are honored that many International partners are supporting this event. Marathon Kids will be providing each child, champion medals and shirts for the Inaugural kids’ run. La Carrerra de Los Caballitos, begin on March 2, a race for the children of Urique.  The Alsace Restaurant group, the International Partner with P.F. Chang’s, will provide each child, school supplies.

In a spirit of Korima, the circle of sharing, without expectations of gratitude for the intended results, we encourage everyone to give freely from the heart. Seeds, clothing, blankets, and school supplies are always appreciated.

In honoring all traditions of the 50-mile foot race, both cash prizes and food vales (vouchers), are rewarded to the top finishers. Runners will receive vouchers, which provide maize, beans, rice, flour, and non-GMO seed corn for the Raramuri families. This reward ensures nutritional sustenance to both the physical and cultural survival of the Raramuri people.  

Micah’s vision ignited a bonfire. May his spirit invite you to keep this flame burning with strength, warmth and light. We will continue this glow into the hearts of everyone that loves to dance and run free!

Maria Walton (La Mariposa)
We can use your help with the Corrida de los Caballitos Kids Run the day before the big race. This is our first year doing it and we can use:
  • support collecting pencils, pens, notebooks, erasers, backpacks
  • support transporting items down to Urique
The Children of Urique built an altar in memory of Caballo Blanco for Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
Register for CCUM 2013
The 2013 Event Logo was created by an artist in Chihuahua, he has done the race posters since 2009
See you in the Canyons on March 3rd!

Race Directors Maria & Josue
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Corrida de Los Caballitos, where the children Run Free!


Corrida de Los Caballitos, where the children Run Free!

tarahumara children.jpg

On March 2nd at 9am, the day before the Ultra Caballo Blanco 50 miler, the children of the Canyons will be running the streets of Urique to celebrate life! 

This is the First Annual Corrida de Los Caballitos (Run of the Little Horses), started in memory of Micah True and to encourage the young ones to follow in the running footsteps of their elders. 

All children who participate will receive a shirt and medal donated by Marathon Kids, and a bag of school supplies donated by our supporters and PF Chang's. Everyone is encourage to run with the children and participate in this beautiful event!

We can use your help though! Please contact us to let us know how you can help. 

Thank you and we will see you in the Canyons!

Josue & Maria - RD's
