Akabill Molmen was a Hawaiian artist, ultra runner, photographer and friend of many. He handcrafted thousands of clay amulets for the finishers of the Ultra Caballo Blanco, Born to Run and many other trail running events. We would like to remember Akabill for his friendship and contribution. We miss you Akabill.
We celebrate, honor, and remember the life of our beautiful friend, Akabill Molmen. Through his generous support of the Raramuri families of La Sierra, his photography captured the lasting imagery of the week's activities of the 2015, Ultra Maraton Caballo Blanco (UMCB).
In 2014, and 2015, Aka, donated his artistry, in hand crafting over 800 individual, clay-glazed amulets for every athlete participating in the UMCB foot race. He selected the Maui Island, Warrior spirit, carrying the simple message, "Hauoli Nui Loa" - Waaaay too Happy! For in his heart, he believed that every step on the trails, and throughout life, should be a joyful celebration. No More Tears. No More Pain.
His presence at The Annual Born To Run Ultra Marathon, in Los Olivos, California, was always a magical reunion among athletes, and their families worldwide. The culminating highlight of the event, would be the moment, of crossing the finish line, and humbly bow, to receive a personally selected Amułet, and gentle hug from Aka.
To all who had the honor of knowing this man, instantly connected to his warmth, passion, infectious smile, and roaring laughter. His loyal friendship, deeply touched many lives, throughout the universe, as he encouraged everyone to endure, and succeed.
May his spirit walk in beauty, as we cherish his lasting message, "Life is Good - And Getting Better!"
Aloha, our Friend,
Maria Walton, Board & Friends of Norawas de Raramuri.